Serving Our Community for Christ

Columbus FUMC is a vital member of the City of Columbus by hosting and supporting:

  • Columbus Food Pantry: 3rd Fridays of each month. Distribution times are 9:00 am until 1:00 pm.
  • Grace's Table: September 25, 5:30 until 6:30. Fried Chicken Dinner! A community table offering a free meal w/ your friends and neighbors. No registration required. An open table.  Wednesday after Food Pantry every month. Serving from 5:30 pm until 6:30 pm.
  • Blood Drive: 4th Fridays                                             

Columbus FUMC is a vital member of the City of Columbus by hosting and supporting:                                             

  • Share Your Christmas: December
  • Thanksgiving Meal: Wednesday noon before Thanksgiving


Through the Wesley Nurse Program hosted by Columbus FUMC, we support:

  • Blood pressure and blood sugar testing


To extend the Kingdom of Jesus Christ beyond the walls of The First United Methodist Church in Columbus, TX by sharing our monetary gifts and talents to support the fulfillment of projects or respond to needs that the committee deems worthy and that’s values are consistent with those of our congregation.